Dear Geneva Parents:
David Hicks, in his treatise on education, Norms and Nobility, wrote “The supreme task of education [is] the cultivation of the human spirit: to teach the young to know what is good, to serve it above self, to reproduce it, and to recognize that in knowledge lies this responsibility.” I would only add to this that, at Geneva, we strive to love what is good, true, and beautiful! Thank you for allowing us to partner with you toward this end.
It is my genuine hope that you will return to Geneva in the fall. Please find the 2013-2014 Re-Enrollment Contract here. Below are the requirements to ensure your child’s place in the coming year:
• $100 re-enrollment fee and signed contract are due February 15
• Materials fee (formerly curriculum fee) of $200, $400, or $600 is due April 1
• Tuition is due June 1
If you are facing re-enrollment challenges please contact me, or someone in administration, so that we might talk together about your decision. Parents wishing to apply for a scholarship discount should have done so by Friday, January 25. Awards for returning families will be made by the end of February and remaining discounts will then be made available to new families. Click here to find the FAST application (Financial Aid for School Tuition). Teri Lawrence is available to assist you further.
Your prayers and support for Geneva are always appreciated. We pray that the Lord will bless you as we endeavor together in the discipleship of our children.
God bless,
Rich Cali