Sound bodies enhance the soundness of our minds. We are fundamentally physical-spiritual in nature, and to be fully human we must cultivate the health of both.
The significance of bodily exercise was not lost on the Apostle Paul, who used athletic competition as a metaphor for the Christian life:
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. (1 Corinthians 9:24-25)
The Heidelberg Catechism teaches that we “belong body and soul … to our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.” Therefore we seek to honor our Savior by our use of our bodies, that our both our academics and our athletic competition might be pleasing in his sight.

Geneva’s Upper School archery team competes through the National Archery in Schools Program. The annual archery season runs from November – February. Students in grades 4-12 may participate.

Ladies Basketball
High school basketball is offered to ladies in grades 8-12. The team competes against other private schools in Central Florida. The season runs from December to February.

Men’s Basketball
Geneva’s men’s basketball teams compete against other private schools in Central Florida. The teams represent Geneva in a season that runs from December through February.

Cheerleading is offered for ladies in all grades. The cheerleading team and young ladies pep squad attends each home football game, home basketball games and school pep rallies. They attend summer cheer camp and compete in various competitions as well. Grammar Pep squad is coached by Upper cheer teams members.

Cross Country
A co-ed cross country team competes from August through November. Students in grades 5 – 12 may participate. Congratulations to the team and to 8th grade runner Jack Brooks for winning the recent 2016 CFAC championship and for coming in 4th place at the Polk County Middle School Championships.

Varsity Football
Geneva Knights 2016 FCAPPS State Champions!
These young men play hard and represent Geneva with a spirit of self-discipline, commitment, effort and pride! Congratulations on a fantastic season, Knights!

Geneva offers a varsity men’s and ladies’ soccer program. The competitive season runs from March to May. Geneva also offers a competitive Middle School soccer team for 6th-8th graders. The season extends from late February to mid-May.
In addition, an intramural co-ed grammar soccer club forms in February each year for a 5-week season. Players may be in 2nd-5th grades. The club meets twice a week with a player vs. parent match to bring the season to a close.

Geneva’s ladies’ volleyball program offers a full schedule of Fall competition with other private schools in central Florida. The program encourages athletes to aim for excellence in the fundamentals of the game in a safe and competitive environment

Geneva offers a mens’ and ladies’ tennis program for grades 7th-12th. The season runs from late January to early April.
For more information and practice schedules:
Send an email to our Athletic Director Talia Bianco at or contact our school office.