When choosing a school, parents often ask a simple and important question of the institution they are considering: “Are you accredited?” Accreditation is way of communicating to inquirers that the school is accomplishing what it claims, that it is accountable to someone outside the organization, and that it has done the hard work of meeting the accrediting agency’s standards.
Geneva recognizes that the assumptions of an agency matter, and consequently, we have chosen the Association of Classical Christian Schools from which to seek our official recognition. ACCS’ requirements are meant to observe how effectively a school truly educates: nourishing students’ souls and passing on culture.
Our Accreditation Coordinator, Linda Morrison, a former Geneva teacher and long-time friend of the school managed this project over a two year period, gathering information, accumulating documentation, and writing reports to complete the self study which, with the help of the faculty and staff, she submitted in April. The ACCS Accreditation Team arrived at the end of September and met our teachers, students, and board members to evaluate the real results of the study. The proof that their priorities match Geneva’s was seen in how much time they spent in our classrooms observing the teaching and learning taking place.
As a result of their visit, ACCS Accreditation Team’s officially noted commendations for Geneva:
“Geneva Classical Academy exceeds the ACCS requirement of four years of Latin and Greek instruction with two years in the Dialectic and Rhetoric school, by providing seven years of mandatory Latin, three of which are required in the Dialectic school In addition, students are offered an option to participate in two additional years of Latin in Grades 11 and 12.”
“The Geneva Classical Academy’s Grammar School History Timeline project, involving grades 1-6, highlights the grammar stage pedagogy of the trivium, however, it appropriately incorporates distinctive of the Dialectic and Rhetoric stage pedagogy as well. Based on conversations with upper school students, the recitation project is also having an academic impact on the Dialectic and Rhetoric program.”
“The Head of School demonstrated to the visiting committee a clear understanding of the school’s mission. His leadership has positively impacted the Geneva Classical Academy family and has earned him the respect of students, parents, faculty, Board members, and related school and community associates.”
“The visiting team observed a number of highly qualified, prepared, and effective Dialectic and Rhetoric School instructors that demonstrated a keen knowledge and understanding of the Seven Laws of Teaching and the Tools of Learning.”
Furthermore, they made repeated mention of the generous care and hospitality of our PTF, expressing deep gratitude for the kindness shown during their stay.
We are grateful to all of you who helped our initial visit go so well!