Geneva News

It All Adds Up

by | Nov 12, 2012 | News

Geneva benefits when you shop online through the Boxtops for Education’s marketplace link. When you sign up through, you can shop at your favorite online stores and a percentage of your purchase goes back to Geneva.  

Geneva also collects both Boxtops and Labels for Education.  There is a box posted outside the Administration Building where they can be deposited.  The next contest deadline is February 20, 2013.  The class with the most boxtops and labels collected earns their teacher a gift card to the restaurant of their choice.  

Congratulations to the 1st grade class on winning the October BTFE contest with over 900 boxtops submitted.  First grader Alyssa Kelly brought in more boxtops than anyone else in the school. Thank you, Kelly family!

Geneva also accepts your old ink cartridges for recycling.  These can also be placed in the mailbox posted outside the Administration Building. 

Be sure to check with your local bank. Many have charitable giving through their debit card services where you can select Geneva to receive a percentage of your debit charges throughout the  year.